Viveka von Rosen: LinkedIn Expert to Dream Maker

The theme of transformation resonates deeply with me as I reflect on the inspiring individuals who have undergone significant life transformations.  The idea of constantly reinventing oneself is a testament to the resilience and capacity for growth within each of us. 

This Transformation Tuesday highlights Viveka von Rosen, who coaches individuals to transition from corporate life to founding their legacy businesses, inspiring a new wave of purpose-driven entrepreneurs.

1. What is your career today, as well as before making a shift? Before making my career shift, I spent over 18 years building my brand as a recognized LinkedIn expert and thought leader, having written numerous books, speaking internationally and working with some of the biggest brands in the world.  I was also the cofounder of a digital sales transformation turned software company called Vengreso. My role was deeply rooted in helping businesses and professionals leverage LinkedIn to achieve their sales and marketing goals.

Today, my career is dedicated to empowering executive women in their 50s, 60s, and 70s to pivot from their corporate roles and create legacy businesses that align with their true gifts and passions. Through my new venture, Beyond the Dream Board, I provide coaching, mentorship, and support, helping these women navigate their transitions, rediscover their purpose, and build businesses that bring them fulfillment and joy. My work now focuses on holistic approaches, including mindset work, intuition, and personal growth, to guide my clients through their transformations.

2. How did you feel about your life before recognizing the need for a shift? Before recognizing the need for a shift, I felt increasingly unfulfilled and disconnected from my life. Despite my financial success and status as an internationally known thought leader and LinkedIn Influencer, I woke up each day with a sense of dread. I hated getting out of bed in the morning, and my work, which once brought me joy, had become a source of resentment. I felt completely off my game, as if I were merely going through the motions rather than living with purpose and passion.

3. How did you find your true purpose?  I found my true purpose through a series of pivotal experiences and deep self-reflection. The turning point came during a moment of intense personal and professional dissatisfaction.

I began my journey by seeking the support of a strong network of women who encouraged and guided me through this transition. I also dedicated myself to mindset work, focusing on releasing things that no longer served me. My morning practice of journaling and meditation became essential in helping me reconnect with my inner self and identify what truly mattered to me.

Research played a crucial role as I explored what my new business might look like. I reached out to my network, discussing my ideas and gaining valuable insights. This led me to the concept of "Beyond the Dream Board," a coaching business aimed at helping executive women pivot from their corporate roles to create meaningful, legacy-driven businesses.

Rebranding on social media, particularly on LinkedIn, was a significant step. I updated my images, created a new company page, revised my headline, and crafted an About section focused on my ideal client profile. I began producing content—both written and video—that introduced my new philosophy and business direction to my audience.

4. What was your BIG aha moment?  My big aha moment came when I found myself lying in a hospital bed, filling out grants. It was in that hospital bed that I realized there had to be more to life than what I was currently experiencing. I knew I had to make a change.

The fear of leaving my financial security and the pain of leaving behind a personal brand I had spent so many years and so much effort to build were daunting. But in that moment, I understood that I needed to answer my heart's calling. I had to use my true gifts—my deep intuition, speaking, writing, and coaching—to create a life and business that truly resonated with my soul's purpose.

5. What are you most excited about next? What excites me the most about the future is the opportunity to expand and deepen the impact of "Beyond the Dream Board." I am thrilled about continuing to empower executive women in their 50s, 60s, and 70s to pivot from their corporate roles and create legacy businesses that align with their true gifts and passions.

I look forward to hosting more transformative workshops and webinars that help women navigate their career transitions with confidence and clarity. I'm also excited about developing new content—both written and video—that explores more deeply the mindset work, intuition, and holistic approaches necessary to build a powerful lifestyle legacy business.

Additionally, I'm eager to continue building a strong, supportive network of like-minded women who uplift and inspire each other. Collaborating with other thought leaders and expanding my reach through speaking engagements and social media will allow me to touch more lives and create a ripple effect of positive change.

Ultimately, I'm most excited about witnessing the incredible transformations my clients will experience as they step into their true power and create businesses that not only bring them fulfillment but also make a meaningful impact in the world.

To follow Viveka-



Live A Great Story

- Monique Lecomte


Monique Lecomte: Honky Tonk High Achiever


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