Monique Lecomte: Honky Tonk High Achiever

The theme of transformation resonates deeply with me as I reflect on the inspiring individuals who have undergone significant life transformations.  The idea of constantly reinventing oneself is a testament to the resilience and capacity for growth within each of us. 

Welcome to another #TransformationTuesday! Today, we celebrate my journey of growth, change, and leadership. My passion for cultivating cultures and steering organizational change has empowered countless leaders to embrace transformation and thrive.

My career before making a shift: Today, I am a leadership coach and facilitator dedicated to helping individuals and organizations drive positive organizational change, creating safe spaces for teams to do their best work. Before this shift, I held various leadership roles in the design and furniture industry, focusing on developing teams and driving organizational change.

Recognizing the need for a shift: Before acknowledging the need for change, I felt a sense of restlessness and unfulfilled potential. I knew I could do more to make a meaningful impact on others who embraced the desire to grow.

Finding Purpose: Leadership has always been something in my view from my very early upbringing. Growing up in Alabama, my experiences with responsibility and work ethic, like running errands and cleaning the local honky tonk, Shangri-La, with my uncle, instilled in me a deep understanding of leadership and hard work at a very young age. Additionally, from ages 11 to 18, I spent significant time at the local YMCA in Prattville, Alabama, where I was further shaped by the values and community there. My involvement in the Southern Baptist church also played a crucial role, providing a moral compass and a sense of purpose. These early lessons laid the foundation for my true purpose: to help others develop their leadership skills, achieve their goals, and be the best version of themselves!

BIG aha moment: My big aha moment came when I realized that the skills, experiences, and values I had developed throughout my life could be used to help others grow and succeed. Reflecting on my unique upbringing and the lessons I learned from my mentors and professional community, I can make a significant impact by sharing these insights and guiding others on their leadership journeys.

Most excited about: I am most excited about expanding my reach and helping more individuals and organizations discover their leadership potential. Whether through workshops, coaching sessions, or speaking engagements, I look forward to continuing to inspire and empower others to lead with confidence and purpose.

Advice for a leadership challenge: Embrace the challenge as an opportunity for growth. Reflect on your values, seek feedback, and don't fear taking risks. We are all leaders, even if we don’t have a title, and leadership is a continuous journey of learning and development.

Transformation is a powerful journey; anyone can become a successful leader with the proper guidance and mindset. 

Live A Great Story

- Monique Lecomte


Viveka von Rosen: LinkedIn Expert to Dream Maker