Laura Swank: A Blueprint for Joy

The theme of transformation resonates deeply with me as I reflect on the inspiring individuals who have undergone significant life transformations.  The idea of constantly reinventing oneself is a testament to the resilience and capacity for growth within each of us. 

This Transformation Tuesday highlights my friend Laura Swank who recently became an entrepreneur.

  1. What is your career today, as well as before making a shift? After working in architecture and design for over 22 years, I decided to focus on the part of my work that brought me the most joy.  This was the time spent with leaders, future leaders, managers, HR specialists, and anyone directly responsible for making decisions that affected others.  I started Strategic Change Solutions, LLC to help organizations (with or without a real estate need) validate their current organizational and culture efficiencies and provide an organized change management plan for their employees, all intending to inspire motivation.

  2. How did you feel about your life before recognizing the need for a shift? I felt very pulled….into too many directions that left me unfulfilled.  I was blessed to have held leadership positions where I was able to put into practice the various holistic principles, but not without also running my own share of work, mentoring other staff and leaders, and fulfilling my business development responsibilities…all the while also meeting the daily demands of family life.  As a person who likes to do everything at 150%, I had to realize I was sacrificing my own happiness and health by insisting that I do it ALL.

  3.  How did you find your true purpose? It took time to reflect on the various aspects of my career that I felt were the most rewarding.  Through this introspection, I honed in on the fact that it didn’t have to do with design at all…but the time in the early stages of the process.  This included the qualitative aspects of programming, visioning, and discovery, as well as providing solution options that an organization could build on.  When a significant change was needed, it was important to be able to collaboratively design an effective communication plan that would relate to everyone.  A big part of this involves educating and coaching through the process…skills that I organically put to practice in the various held positions, but also what brought me so much joy!

  4. What was your BIG aha moment? A close confidant recommended that I go through a formal fundamental coaching program. It was amazing…and I loved every minute of it. Everything started to click into place mentally for me, as I was able to align the learned structure with the workplace strategy and change management processes. The various supportive discussions with others, including past clients, really sealed my decision.

  5. What are you most excited about next? I am most excited to continue helping people!  I love meeting with new and different organizations, as it allows me also to learn new things.  These experiences can also help others through lessons learned and relatable successes/failures!

To connect with Laura.

Live A Great Story

- Monique Lecomte


Viveka von Rosen: LinkedIn Expert to Dream Maker


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