Bend Southern Belle

The theme of transformation resonates deeply with me as I reflect on the inspiring individuals who have undergone significant life transformations.  The idea of constantly reinventing oneself is a testament to the resilience and capacity for growth within each of us. 

🌟 Transformation Tuesday: A Journey of Resilience and Hope- On this Valentine's Day, I wanted to share the incredible transformation of our mother, Emily. From a past marked by poverty in rural Alabama to finding a new beginning in Bend, Oregon, her story is one of strength, courage, and unwavering faith.

🏡 New Beginnings in Alabama>Orlando>Bend - In November 2019,  Emily left behind an abusive 30-year marriage with nothing but a purse and clothes on her back. I moved her to Florida without knowing what was coming (COVID). It took us more than nine months to get an Alzheimer's diagnosis, and she was jumping on buses in the middle of the night trying to find Walmart, which got her a trip to the ER more than once and a broken hip. In November 2020, we went on a long plane ride to Oregon three weeks post-hip surgery. I am happy to say that the state of Oregon has some of the best care and assistance available in the US. 

 ❤️ Overcoming Challenges with Love and Lots of Hugs- Our mother is a survivor in more ways than I can share here. From a life of abuse to having her entire existence uprooted after 73 years in the only place she knew. My mom loves her children, the people who care for her, and THE EAGLES (when you hear this 20-50x every time you see her).  Her home tells us she is the happiest person they have ever met. She gives love and is loved. I know one little girl who will be glad to see her Grandmother in two weeks. 

So Happy Valentines, and cheers to continuing the transformation (even if sometimes it is forced upon you). You are never too old to make a change. 


📚 Learn more about ways that Alzheimer's can potentially be prevented. One in five women aged 45 and older will have Alzheimer’s.

🤗 Be an advocate for someone if you can. The healthcare process for someone needing Medicaid and who cannot speak for themselves is hellishly frustrating, and the magic phrase is: “ I NEED A CASEWORKER.” if you ever end up at the hospital.

❤️ Surround yourself with caring people and say goodbyes to those not serving you. It will impact your life sooner or later. 

Live A Great Story (better yet, help someone in need)

- Monique Lecomte


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